Leaden Hall: An Update

We are pleased to share an update on our plans for Leaden Hall in the Cathedral Close.
In January 2024 the Cathedral submitted a planning application to Wiltshire Council to restore and repair Leaden Hall to realise our long-held ambition to locate our office staff under one roof and to create a lasting base for our education work with children and young people. We also want to be able to offer meeting space in a fitting location which may also be used by our Diocese and city neighbours.
In addition to this, we want to build a purpose-built facility for our renowned archive collections, retaining centuries of historic records within the Close, and reinstate the landscaped gardens and managed woodland around the building.
This is all part of our wider vision to make the Cathedral, its buildings and the Close as open and welcoming to as diverse a range of people as possible, fit for a significant heritage site in the twenty-first century.
As the process progresses, we have produced the document below to share our latest plans and explain the work and care that continues to be taken to realise our aspirations.