
Life at our Cathedral
View our Music Schemes

Worship is the heart of our Cathedral

Salisbury Cathedral was built as a place to bring glory to God. Music is central to our services here, and our wonderful choirs lead us through much of our daily worship.

We welcome all to join one of our services, whether you have come on a visit to our Cathedral from afar, or are a regular member of our congregation.

Each week, we livestream our Sunday Eucharist and Evensong services on our Livestreams page and directly on our YouTube channel for all to watch. You can also find recordings of the sermons from these Sunday services on our YouTube channel:

Salisbury Cathedral YouTube

Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Shorts

  • 28 July 2024

    Nahum (Nahum 1:1-8; John 6:1-21)
    Preacher: Edward Probert

  • 4 August 2024

    Bel and the Dragon (Bel and the Dragon 23-30; John 6:24-35)
    Preacher: Nigel Davies

  • 11 August 2024

    Esther (Esther 8:1-8)
    Preacher: Maggie Guillebaud

  • 18 August 2024

    Song of Solomon (Song of Solomon 2:1-7,10-15; John 20:1-18)
    Preacher: Anna Macham

  • 25 August 2024

    Habakkuk (Habakkuk 1:1-4; John 6:56-69)
    Preacher: Kenneth Padley

  • 1 September 2024

    Obadiah (Obadiah 10-16; Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23)
    Preacher: Nicholas Papadopulos

  • 8 September 2024

    Jonah (Jonah 3:1-5, 10, 4: 1-5; Matthew 12. 38-42)
    Preacher: Ross Meikle

  • Our sermon series this year will focus on some of the shorter books of the Old Testament, as listed above. Each Monday there will be a chance to engage with the Sunday sermon text and the preacher between 7pm and 8pm via Zoom. Please fill out your contact details in the form below if you would like to receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting by email.

Summer Sermon Series 2024 – Join us on Zoom

Each Monday there will be a chance to engage with the Sunday Sermon text and the preacher between 7pm and 8pm via Zoom. Please fill out your contact details if you would like to receive an invitation to the Zoom meeting by email. We will never use your data for any purpose other than that for which you gave it to us without your permission. See

Our Regular Service Schedule

  • Monday – Friday

    07:30 Morning Prayer
    07:50 Holy Communion
    12:00 Holy Communion (Tuesday and Thursday)
    17:30 Choral Evensong (Evening Prayer Wednesday)

  • Saturday

    08:30 Morning Prayer
    08:50 Holy Communion
    17:30 Choral Evensong

  • Sunday

    08:00 Holy Communion
    09:15 Choral Mattins
    10:30 The Eucharist
    16:30 Choral Evensong

  • This schedule is subject to change at key points of the year such as Easter and Christmas. Please view our latest Music Schemes (below) for full details of upcoming services.


Our Livestreams

We want everyone, near or far, to be able to worship with us and join our services. We livestream our Sunday Eucharist and Evensong each week, and a Weekly Reflection by a member of the clergy every Wednesday afternoon.


Music Scheme

Our worship follows Church of England liturgical seasons and varies widely to reflect these. Full information about our in-person worship and online services is detailed in our Music Schemes which are published weekly.

View our Schemes

Sunday Notices

The Sunday Notices list the services and music for the coming week, our current prayer lists and notices from and for our community.

View our Sunday Notices