21st May 2024

The four peregrine chicks that hatched on the tower of Salisbury Cathedral last month have been ringed – and now the public have an opportunity to name them

The four peregrine chicks that hatched on the tower of Salisbury Cathedral last month have been ringed – and now the public have an opportunity to name them

The chicks, which are around three weeks old, were weighed, measured and fitted with a small metal ring by Nigel Jones from the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), assisted by Tommy Saunders. They have a ring on their right leg (used for tracking and record-keeping) and a larger orange plastic Darvic ring bearing a unique ID on their left leg. Ringing is an important part of the Cathedral’s peregrine project, because it provides the BTO and Cathedral with information as to the ‘secret’ lives of these amazing birds, telling us where they go and what they do.

The four chicks are three males and one female, weighing in at 570g, 610g, 650g and 830g.

Two of the chicks – a male and a female – will be named after current members of the Cathedral’s Works Yard team, to mark the recent completion of the major repair programme, which saw the exterior of the Cathedral free from scaffolding after 38 years of restoration.

The other two peregrine chicks – both males – will be named by the public and the Cathedral would love to receive suggestions for them. Suggestions can be made from today via a link on the Cathedral’s social media channels. Closing date for entries is Tuesday 28 May. The chosen names will be drawn by the Clerk of Works, Gary Price, who has worked at the Cathedral since the beginning of the restoration programme and oversaw its completion at the end of last year.

The Salisbury chicks will remain on the south side of the tower for a few more weeks, as their fluffy white down is replaced by juvenile plumage and they begin to strengthen their wings ready to fledge or fly the nest. Occasionally a fledging gets grounded after its first flight and is carried back up the tower to have another try.

Once fledged, the juveniles will stay around the Cathedral for at least a month, learning survival and hunting skills from their parents before striking out on their own. When fledging starts in early June, the South Wilts RSPB Group will set up their free peregrine-themed Date with Nature experience outside the Cathedral. A team of South Wilts RSPB volunteers, armed with telescopes and information, will be on hand, offering visitors the opportunity to watch the peregrines close-up, and sharing their expert knowledge.

Date with Nature runs outside the Cloister entrance at Salisbury Cathedral from Monday 10 June to 6 July, Monday to Saturday, excluding 17-20 June.