
Search results for "node/Chapter House"

Magna Carta Sermon

...inspect in the Chapter House of the cathedral. And its presence in this cathedral is apt. William Longspee, a defender of the King whose tomb lies beneath me on my...

Wheat and tares together sown: God’s will and our destiny

...The parable asserts that the wheat is sown by Jesus on his own land, and so we conclude that the seed is good and that the householder wishes it to...

Salisbury Cathedral was very dear to Robert Key, who has died aged 77.

When he was two years old his father, the late John Maurice Key, was appointed Bishop of Sherborne. Consequently, Rob recalled a childhood spent in various houses in the Cathedral...

An Eco-Floristry Festival

...of recycling and re-using, the festival will house a thought-provoking display in the Cathedral Cloisters. Some of our incredible flower arrangers have crafted an installation out of litter, turning rubbish...

Evensong 23.7.2023 now turn our attention to the second lesson this evening, from the fourth chapter of the Acts of the Apostles and verse 12. ‘There is salvation in no one...

Faith as Trust

...Hebrews chapters 10 and 11 is all about fiduciary value, rock solid trust. The passage begins by asking us to have confidence (verse 35) and then says that the righteous...

Third Sunday before Advent

...we can all call to mind a favourite parable that Jesus told – much less the latter chapters of John’s Gospel, from which our second lesson this evening was taken....

Mothering Sunday

...women and motherhood, with such verses as those in Genesis chapter 2 that describe the creation of Eve, the first woman, out of Adam’s rib being interpreted to mean that...

The Parish Giving Scheme

...The Chapter have agreed an ambitious and exciting new strategic plan in which we reaffirm what you have probably heard me say on more than one occasion – that at...