Our Community and Congregation

Attend a Service

Get involved with our Congregation

When you attend a service, you become part of a dynamic community of people united by faith and prayer. There are also opportunities involve yourself further in our congregation by volunteering at services and community events.

We welcome all to attend a service at our Cathedral. If you’re interested in finding out more information, please follow the link below:

Our Services

Worshipping Community Roll

We warmly encourage all regular worshippers over the age of 16 to join the Worshipping Community Roll. This helps to keep our pastoral contacts up to date and may attract discounts on future wedding and funeral fees. Members of the Roll will be eligible to express an interest in joining the Cathedral Worshippers’ Forum. Easiest for us (and hopefully for you) is an online application form which you can access below. If you need a hard copy form, these may be collected from the Chapter Office.

Worshipping Community Roll Application Form

Cathedral Worshippers’ Forum

Members of the Worshipping Community Roll are eligible to become a member of the Cathedral Worshippers’ Forum. This is a body appointed by Chapter on the advice of its Nominations Committee. Its purpose is to represent the views of a diverse group of worshippers to Chapter, to represent the decisions of Chapter to worshippers, and to get involved in other tasks – for example, helping to run congregational surveys, and advising on how the charitable element of Cathedral collections should be spent. Those who represent the Cathedral on Salisbury Deanery Synod are also members of the Forum. The Terms of Reference of the Forum can be viewed below.

Worshippers’ Forum Terms of Reference


Friends of Salisbury Cathedral

For those who care about the Cathedral and its community, anyone can become a Friend of Salisbury Cathedral.

Find Out More